What a revelation to know Jesus has a very special healing word. We find it in Mark 7:34, Jesus used this transformational word to open the heavens to bring down the healing grace of God to a deaf man. The place where it happened was Decapolis( 10 cities), in Greece and was an area in the Roman Empire bordering Judea. In the Bible it didn't say why he was there, I suspect he was there on a healing tour because that is what he did and still does. When he came there a man was brought to him and the people begged Jesus to heal this man we don't know who he was, but he was obviously special to the people. So Jesus pulled the man aside and stuck his fingers in his ears and spat on his tongue and then Jesus said the word in Greek "Ephphatha". The Aramaic translation means Be Open, and the Greek form of the word means "Be opened in order to make a connection". While performing the miracle for the deaf man Jesus looked up into the heavens, and in an audib...
Holistic Vibrant Living Wellness & Lifestyle Coach, Doterra Wellness Advocate, Farmasi Beauty Influencer