Winter is the strong Yin time of the year, Everything wild is drawn inward, being called back to the womb, for introspection, regeneration and healing. The two organs associated with this time of year is the Kidney and the Bladder. These two organs have the job of processing the water element in our bodies. The Bladder receives urine from the Kidney then passes it out. The Chinese believe that the bladder is the storehouse of emotions . If this organ is not functioning properly it will stress the rest of the body.
The Kidney Meridian starts at the corner of the eye and runs down the back of the head, down the neck and down the leg out to the little toe. This is the main Kidney energy channel, and if you are feeling stressed this area up and down the meridian will feel tight, and you may feel back pain. If you're harboring suppressed emotions, you may have stiffness in the neck. So keep your back lose and flexible with yoga exercise, and eat Kidney and Bladder cleansing foods. Which I will get to in a few paragraphs.
Kidney’s filter the blood and other chemicals compounds the body from food we ingest. Several thousands of quarts of blood pass through the Kidney per day. This important organ eliminates what is not needed in the body and acts like a filter. The Chinese say the Kidney is the protector of like force energy, and is the seat of will power. Along with other organs that have the elimination function like the Kidney are the Lungs, Large Intestine, and the Skin. The Bladder and Skin work to eliminate water from the body. High blood pressure can sometimes be related to Kidney trouble also poor choices in food, such as meat, alcohol, sugary foods, and foods high in saturated fat. A diagnostic test to see how well the Kidneys are doing is the sparkle in the eye. Life force energy shows through the eyes, although the Liver is responsible for the tissue health of the eye.
The hair on the head is a good diagnostic indicator of the water element in your body. And the amount of meat, and fat eat, cause a dry hair, oily scalp, thinness and balding, because of clogged hair follicles, which leads to poor circulation of oxygen to the scalp.
Winter Diet.
Our body temple slows down during in Winter months the weather becomes cooler, and the days grow shorter. We are burning fewer calories as we sit like little curmudgeons on our couches. We grow fatter because we tend to eat more to keep our bodies warm. But you don’t have to necessarily grow bigger if you make the right food choices. Increase your food intake of complex carbohydrates which are whole grains, with good proteins, fish, lean meats ,most of all plenty of raw and steamed vegetable, some fried or sauteed foods are permissible because in the winter more than other seasons. Because natures plants are focused on deeper parts of the roots, Root vegetables are good to eat during the the winter such as:
Yogi Bhajan of the Golden Temple, the Vegetarian cook book, says that Ginger, Onion and garlic are the holy trinity for preserving life force energy,they acts like a natural detoxifier,to heat and eliminate, ramping up the immune system . At Yoga Healing Spring - I recommend this special Detox Soup, I'm giving you the recipe and guaranteed to heal your body temple, make plenty of warm soup variations with the Holy Trinity to bless and fortify the the body temple.
Holy Trinity Detox Chicken Soup for The Body Temple
Chicken Breast cubed and saute with (Holy trinity) Ginger, Onion, Garlic, several cloves of Garlic chopped, one onion chopped, one healthy stalk of ginger skinned and chopped.
Add saute mixture to a big pot of boiling water then add:
White potatoes cubes
Greens- Spinach, Collard, or Kale
Any other root vegetables you can find,
Cayenne Pepper
Chicken optional.
Beats, Beat Greens, and Sea Vegetable, Great Detoxifying Soup!
An excellent detoxifying combination should clean you right out. Great for kidneys and liver health. This following recipe in addition will make you feel so good the body temple will thank you !
If you are a diabetic find out if sugar beats will raise your glycerin count… check first!
Cut and clean beats and beat greens. You may add other types of greens also
to a boiling pot of water with :
shredded carrots
Algae (dried seaweed), purchased at Japanese markets or the Berkeley Bowl. Berkeley Ca,
soy sauce
Saute in pan. Throw sauteed ingredients into pot of boiling water with beets, then turn down heat letting it simmer for a while. You can make a pot of brown rice or make a loaf of multi-grain bread to go along with.
Cooking whole grains in the Winter are very filling and burn energy slowly. A good source of whole grains in the Winter are: Brown Rice, Barley, Oats, Quinoa. Grains cooked with beans such as, Mung Beans, Black beans, or Lentil Beans, make a complete protein. And according Mauro Moto, the Red Adzuki bean is good for the Kidneys, while Black Beans assist sexual functions.
For meat eaters in the Winter eat mostly: Fish and Nuts and Seeds such as Sunflower seeds, raw. Pumpkin Seeds, Flax Seeds. Cows milk or Goats milk can be consumed freely in the Winter.
Sea Greens (seaweed), is high in proteins and minerals, Vitamin E and A, and are particularly rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and iodine and other trace minerals. Seaweed stimulates hair and nail growth, and nourish the endocrine system, especially the Thyroid, and Adrenals’ These minerals can be found in Nori, Kelp, Hijiki, Kambu, but Dulce has the most natural Iodine and great for imbalanced thyroid and hot flashes.
So these are my recommendations to have a healthy Winter and stay trim and keep the immune system up and the life force energy Up Up Up!!!! Let me know how the soup works for you.
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