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Massage Body Butter DIY

 Massage Body Butter

This is an Acupressure point digagram very helpful for massage for where to apply the body butter. However never apply close to the eyes while massaging a persons face.

 In Chinese Medicine the Meridians are lines of energy currents that flow through the body, that is why you see the little black dots that correlate with the different organs of the body. For example Stomach 36 can be massaged at the knee, and it will effect the well being of the stomach. That is because the energy points for the stomach run through out the body. I hope you understand this as a way of knowing our whole body is so well connected.

How to make body butter massage oil. This is the best recipe I have seen out there. Please watch with an open mind.  DIY Massage Body Butter Using Lavendar Essential Oil

Using essential oils may be beneficial, but not essential to this creamy luscious concoction. Lavender oil is the essential oils used in this particular film. Lavender is very calming, it is derived from the herb (Lavandula Officinalis) and from the Botanical family of Labiatae (mint).

Therapeutic properties are: Analgesic, anti- coagulant  anti- convulsive  anti- depressant, anti- fungal, antihistamine, anti -infectious anti- inflammatory, antiseptic anti, cardio tonic.

 Other possible for uses: Lavender is know to balance and calm the body and is a universal oil, and works where ever the body needs the essential oil: like arthritis, asthma, boils, bronchitis burns  bruises, carbuncles, cold sores, convulsions, earaches, I've even used it for my TMJ, fainting, skin conditions,(eczema) and many more.

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